This video demonstrates how to download Google Video movies onto your computer and play them using Windows Media Player. The video walks you through downloading the right software, downloading the vid ...
This video shows how to reduces video size for uploading. This makes the video take less storage space on your computer. ...
There will be plenty of times that your movie footage, or video clips or images will need color adjustments. Watch and learn how to do color correction (especially for balancing white) using Final Cu ...
This tutorial is somewhat subjective but the idea is that it will show you how to make a photo or image look like it was taken with a Polaroid camera. It's a great idea, if you didn't originally shoo ...
This tutorial will give you a brief overview of how to apply different effects to your images or videos in Adobe Premiere Pro. Specifically, they go over applying color effects, but the process is th ... has put together a video complication about a music making software called GarageBand. GarageBand is only available on Mac computers. It is a very easy to use and a fun program. This teac ...
This Photoshop tutorial gives you some great tips on how to use the cloud filter correctly to add clouds to your image. One great tip included, is using the bounding box to add perspective to the clo ...
Do you ever get digital noise in dark suits or shadows? This tutorial will show you how to tone down the noise specifically in the shadows using Photoshop. ...
This is a great tutorial for commercial photographers because it will show you the steps needed to replace a monitor display within an image. Basically, lcd computer screens when photographed, often d ...
TV scan lines are soon to be a thing of the past as Catheo Ray Tube type televisions are replaced with Plasma and LCD screens. That said, for any of you who may for some strange reason MISS the CRT s ...