I went to Walmart and spent $15.15 on 14 sheets of fluorescent green poster boards and fluorescent green duck tape. This small investment just upped my game. I can now do really cool green screen vide ...
How to use iMovie with 2014 Yosemite to make a green screen movie. I cover the basics of creating a green screen movie with iMovie on a Mac and the 2014 Yosemite update. ...
iTunes 12 was released alongside Yosemite this year, but it didn't pack quite the punch that the operating system did. Instead, iTunes received a minor facelift, with few new features and somehow lack ...
Shell modifier is very useful to give a thickness in your model you make in Autodesk 3Ds Max. but the use of the modifier not only limit to giving thickness . you can make design around those thicknes ...
Hi, I am a GB user for a long time now, and i am trying to move all my project to a new computer. Problem is : I definitely didn't find out how to re-install the original settings I made for a lot of ...
Be very careful while using the mathematical operators in excel. Use parenthesis to group the numbers. Excel follows the mathematical order of operators BODMAS B: BracketO: Order/ Power ofD: DivisionM ...
Excel keyboard shortcuts generally start with by pressing the "Alt" key. So, once you press the "Alt" key, you will see a shortcut or in fact an alphabet for each tab in the ribbon. Like F is for File ...
When working with lists and reports, you sometimes have repetitive data which you want to enter again and again. While you have the excel autocomplete function but if you have similar tellers at the b ...
How to use the excel formula..this is the easiest way to understand it ...
Many times you are supposed to enter the current date or time in excel so here is what you do; simply go to the cell and enter control + colon and the current date is added. If you want the time to be ...